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Luis Riveros Cornejo

Former rector of Universidad de Chile from 1998 to 2006. He was dean of the School of Economics and Business of the same university from 1994 to 1998 and director of the Department of Economics (1990-1994). M.A. and Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California-Berkeley, Professor of History and Bachelor of Philosophy, he also holds a Master of Science degree in Economics, also from the University of Chile. He has served on the boards of directors of several renowned institutions, including the executive vice-presidency of the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities (CRUCh) and the presidency of the Latin American Council of Management Schools (CLADEA), as well as public and private institutions and companies. His career has earned him important recognitions in Chile and abroad, including the Andrés Bello Order, awarded by the Government of Venezuela and academic distinctions awarded by the Government of Poland, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Andrés Bello University of Venezuela, the University of Córdoba, Argentina; University of Lille, France; University of Goteburg, Sweden; University of San Marcos, Peru; and the Rector’s Medal of the University of Chile. He is the author of several publications, articles and books on education, economics and public policy, among other topics.