Launching of the Max Planck-UCEN Group and Inauguration of the “UCEN Chair of Economics and Society”.

The Faculty of Economics, Government and Communications is pleased to invite you to the launching of the Max Planck-UCEN Research Group in Economics and Society.

The event includes the inauguration of the UCEN Chair in Economics and Society (April 19, 17:00hrs). The opening event will be officiated by a public reading, with simultaneous translation, by Jens Beckert, director of the Max Planck Institute and Leibniz Prize in Social Sciences.


Information: Wednesday, April 19, 17:00 hrs. Santa Isabel 1278, VKII Building, Carlos Blim Auditorium. Registration here.

The Max Planck-UCEN Group for Research in Economics and Society is housed at the Faculty of Economics, Government and Communications of the Universidad Central de Chile (ESOC-UCEN). It focuses on the study of the social, political and cultural foundations of the economy, and specifically addresses socioeconomic processes that arise at the intersection of economy and society, such as economic action, market formation, transformations in capitalist relations, economic and political governance, continuity, change and crisis of neoliberalism, state-market relations, and distributive conflicts that arise in democratic capitalism, among others.

The research developed by the ESOC-UCEN group is approached from an interdisciplinary perspective, which translates into cooperation, convergence and careful combination of knowledge from multiple disciplines and methodologies. ESOC-UCEN’s academic staff includes people with backgrounds in agronomy, anthropology, economics, urban studies and sociology.


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