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Schiappacasse, I. (2021). Continuidad del sistema de AFP en democracia: el rol del poder de la elite económica. Revista Chilena de Derecho y Ciencia Política, 12(1), 9–53.
Schiappacasse, I. (2020). Business power in post-authoritarian Chile: Explaining regulatory continuity in the pension system, 1990-1994. Revista Española de Sociología, 29, 503–521.
Youlton, C., Hormazabal, C., Schiappacasse, I., Contreras, P., & Poblete-Echeverría, C. (2016). Distribución, tamaño y estructura poblacional de Jubaea chilensis en Las Palmas, comuna de Petorca, región de Valparaíso-Chile. Bosque, 37(3), 501–507.
Barrena, J., Nahuelhual, L., Báez, A., Schiappacasse, I., & Cerda, C. (2014). Valuing cultural ecosystem services: Agricultural heritage in Chiloé island, southern Chile. Ecosystem Services, 7, 66–75.
Schiappacasse, I., Vásquez Lavín, F., Nahuelhual, L., & Echeverría Valenzuela, C. (2013). Labor as a welfare measure in contingent valuation: the value of a forest restoration project. Latin American Journal of Agricultural Science and Environment, 40(1), 69–84.
Schiappacasse, I., Nahuelhual, L., Vásquez, F., & Echeverría, C. (2012). Assessing the benefits and costs of dryland forest restoration in central Chile. Journal of Environmental Management, 97, 38–45.
Birch, J., Newton, A., Aquino, C., Cantarello, E., Echeverría, C., Kitzberger, T., Schiappacasse, I., & Garavito, N. (2010). Cost-effectiveness of dryland forest restoration evaluated by spatial analysis of ecosystem services. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(50), 21925-21930.